Foto: Harald Gaukel | Nick Brittain
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Freie Improvisation

Concentric Circles

17. November 2024

Concentric Circles ist das abenteuerliche Duo der Geigerin und Sängerin Mia Zabelka und der britischen Trompeterin Charlotte Keeffe. Die beiden Musikerinnen lernten sich durch den legendären Gitarristen John Russell kennen, den Gründer von Mopomoso, der am längsten bestehenden Konzertreihe Großbritanniens für frei improvisierte Musik. Es erwartet Sie eine fabelhafte Verschmelzung von fesselnden akustischen Streicher- und Blechbläser-Klangwelten.

Charlotte Keeffe

British musician Charlotte Keeffe wears her love for music-making on her brightly coloured sleeves. Whether performing regularly as a trumpet/flugelhorn soloist (SOUND BRUSH), or leading a variety of different ensembles, including her RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW Quartet, she meticulously carves out spaces for the free movement of ideas and individual expressions. She describes her instruments as Sound Brushes as her approach to playing is inspired by (abstract) painters.

Her debut album ‘Right Here, Right Now’ is where you’ll find her exhibiting a passion for vibrant soundscapes rendered in live spaces. Released in 2021, on Discus Music, she earned international critical acclaim. She leads, composes and performs for a number of Discus Music ensembles, including; Anthropology Band, Hi Res Heart, and with artists such as Paul Dunmall, Pat Thomas, Julie Tippetts, Alex Ward and more. Released in September 2023, Keeffe’s 2nd album, ALIVE! in the studio, features her RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW Quartet with Ashley John Long on double-bass, Ben Handysides on drums and Moss Freed on guitar.

Keeffe has served as Assistant Musical Director of the London Gay Big Band, champions gender and diversity equality, as part of Parliamentary award-winning Women in Jazz Media, and played in Marin Alsop’s Taki Concordia Orchestra at the World Economic Forum 2019, in front of world leaders and celebrities, including Sir David Attenborough.

Mia Zabelka

Austrian violinist-vocalist-composer Mia Zabelka is considered to be a leading figure in the international scene of electroacoustic music, known for her innovative and boundary-pushing approach to sound, incorporating elements of noise, drone and improvisation into her compositions. Her performances involve the use of extended techniques on the violin, electronic effects, and a range of other unconventional methods to create unique and immersive sonic experiences. She has released multiple albums and has performed at various festivals and venues around the world. She has also worked with a variety of artists and collaborators, including the ensemble ‘Zeitkratzer’ and John Zorn. In 2021, Mia Zabelka was awarded the Austrian Art Prize in the category ‘Music’ by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Land Steiermark, Stadt Graz und SKE

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